Animation: A virtual tour of Mount Vernon Place and the 'Framing Mount Vernon Place' project.
Photos: Twelve albums of photos in chronological order capturing the before, during, and after the fence.
Video: A ten minute rough cut video that documents the project Pre - Installation. The clip was originally screened in Mount Vernon Place on April 26th, 2008.
Voice Mail Message: Click to listen to a few voice mail messages left on my phone during the project.
Press: The 'Framing Mount Vernon Place' press references consisted of television news reports, newspaper articles, N.P.R stories, editorials and blog reviews. Unfortunately, The Baltimore Sun limits viewing articles to thirty days and back orders are on the way and will be scanned for archive. For now please Click here for one sample or visit other online news or blog sites such as The Huffington Post. The press was a major force in this project and plays an incredible role in the perception of such public works of art.
Blog: Read the last 20 of 100+ pages recorded onto this web site by the public/viewers during the course of 'Framing Mount Vernon Place'. |